The soft­ware licens­ing in a com­pa­ny or orga­ni­za­tion is quite a large expense of the orga­ni­za­tions com­put­er­i­za­tion bud­get. These costs can reach up to 20% of the whole IT expense account. Every orga­ni­za­tion is required to ensure that all the licens­ing with­in the group is orga­nized and will not lead to the break­ing of the law.
So how can you cut down on costs?
Soft­ense is a mar­ket­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tive of hun­dreds of dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers in the soft­ware field, and pro­vides ser­vice to hun­dreds of clients. This allows Soft­ense to receive whole­sale quan­ti­ty dis­counts. As Soft­ense clients, you are eli­gi­ble to enjoy this dis­count as well as con­ve­nient cred­it con­di­tions rather than hav­ing to pay in cash when pur­chas­ing direct­ly from the man­u­fac­tur­er.
We esti­mate that after the cor­rect research and plan­ning of soft­ware licens­ing and pur­chas­ing through Soft­ense, you will be able to save between 5% and up to 25% on your costs and some­times even more. The plan­ning is a com­plex process that requires broad knowl­edge due to the mul­ti­ple play­ers and licens­ing com­plex­i­ties of each man­u­fac­tur­er.
The pur­chase of a soft­ware license is dif­fer­ent from oth­er prod­ucts since:
• Soft­ware licens­ing pro­vides the buy­er with the rights to use the soft­ware but he has no pur­chas­ing rights on the soft­ware itself.
• Every exist­ing man­u­fac­tur­er / soft­ware has an “End User License Agree­ment” (EULA) where all the rights of use are list­ed for that soft­ware. For exam­ple: Where it may be used? Who may use it? How many peo­ple can use it? How to use it? Etc.

Licens­ing soft­ware has sev­er­al mod­els, such as:
1. Per­pet­u­al Licens­ing — One time pur­chase of the license that allows the use of the soft­ware for an unlim­it­ed amount of time.
This mod­el some­times requires addi­tion­al main­te­nance that can be pur­chased, in order to receive ongo­ing soft­ware upgrades or pur­chas­ing upgrades for pro­gres­sive ver­sions.
2. Sub­scrip­tion Licens­ing – The pur­chase of an annu­al sub­scrip­tion (some­times month­ly) that allows the use of the license in the desired peri­od. Pur­chas­ing it in this way, guar­an­tees that you get all the upgrades dur­ing your sub­scrip­tion and nor­mal­ly includes ongo­ing sup­port as well.
3. OEM Licens­ing – The pur­chase of the soft­ware in order to imple­ment it into your prod­ucts or soft­ware, as well as per­mis­sion to resell it as part of your final prod­uct. Soft­ense spe­cial­izes in man­ag­ing nego­ti­a­tions with the man­u­fac­tur­ers in order to fit the license to the client.
In addi­tion, there seems to be a trend late­ly of trans­fer­ring from the Per­pet­u­al licens­ing mod­el to the Sub­scrip­tion mod­el. This has caused some issues to arise. Such as: The time allo­ca­tion and resources need­ed to man­age the renew­al of the licens­es. Those sub­scrib­ing need to con­stant­ly mon­i­tor all year round. Every orga­ni­za­tion has a large num­ber of licens­es from dif­fer­ent sup­pli­ers that have been pur­chased through­out the year. These Sub­scrip­tion licens­es need to be renewed exact­ly on the day of the year before as well as the Per­pet­u­al licens­es that need upgrad­ing from time to time. This change requires coor­di­na­tion of the amount of licens­es to be pur­chased.
Soft­ware licens­ing has become more com­pli­cat­ed over the last few years. The advance­ments of the “Cloud” gen­er­a­tion, acces­si­bil­i­ty to dif­fer­ent places simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, vir­tu­al­iza­tion and mobil­i­ty, are all part of the trends that are mak­ing soft­ware licens­ing more com­plex.
For the best pos­si­ble way to deal with the whole licens­ing issue as well as to save time and mon­ey, the orga­ni­za­tion needs to be aware of the com­plex­i­ty of licens­ing and its con­se­quences, and espe­cial­ly aware of the pos­si­ble results, for exam­ple: harm­ing the work sequence and unnec­es­sary expens­es due to not renew­ing the licens­es on time, an incom­plete license due to the lack of cor­rect allo­ca­tion of the per­mis­sions on the license, incon­sis­ten­cy between the type of license pur­chased and the needs of the orga­ni­za­tion etc.
This is where Soft­ense LTD enters the pic­ture. Our task is com­piled of three main parts: Suit­abil­i­ty of the license, Pur­chas­ing the license and Man­ag­ing the license.
Suit­abil­i­ty of the license starts by under­stand­ing your organization’s IT require­ments and choos­ing the suit­able license. After choos­ing the right license, Soft­ense pur­chas­es it for you and pro­vides it in the short­est time pos­si­ble. Once the license has been pro­vid­ed to you, we make sure to man­age the entire array of the licens­ing, includ­ing: the renew­al of the license before it expires, updat­ing the new ver­sions and upgrades, pur­chas­ing addi­tion­al licens­es as need­ed and cre­at­ing the cor­rect con­sol­i­da­tions for your orga­ni­za­tion, and any­thing else need­ed in this are­na.
Pur­chas­ing soft­ware through Soft­ense, guar­an­tees you get the right license at the right price.